With the winter season approaching, many student athletes are excited to start winter sport activities again. Among them is sophomore Emily Bartholomew, who recently finished her second cross country season and began practice on the girls basketball JV Cardinal team. “In terms of sports, my year has been pretty good. I’ve improved in XC both time wise as well as mentally preparing before races and being a leader,” Bartholomew said. Just like any other athlete, she has things she wants to improve on this year. “My goals for this basketball season is to be more vocal and gain more confidence with dribbling and shooting,” Bartholomew said. Her favorite part of being a student athlete are the new friendships she gets to create, and her teammates. “I’ve met so many different types of people, all of which allow me to grow myself and become a better person,” Bartholomew said.
Player Feature: Emily Bartholomew
October 29, 2019