Thousands of Twitter ‘bots’ targeted Kentucky with fake news on election night (Editorial Reaction)

Thousands of Twitter bots targeted Kentucky with fake news on election night (Editorial Reaction)

Cassie Mohr

According to USA Today, thousands of fake Twitter accounts shared misinformation on the night of the Kentucky election. This news comes days after several governmental security agencies issued a warning about election interference for the upcoming 2020 election. The FBI, Department of Justice, National Security Agency and other agencies issued this warning. Social media platforms have to do more to address this issue going into the 2020 election. It’s promising to hear that Twitter will no longer allow paid political ads on its site, but clearly more needs to be done in terms of individual accounts. Other platforms, like Facebook, are also going to have to be diligent with fake news and automated accounts going into the next presidential election.

“Thousands of Twitter ‘bots’ targeted Kentucky with fake news on election night,” USA Today.