Four ways to stay safe during COVID-19 outbreak

Cassie Mohr, Feature editor

The COVID-19 outbreak is getting serious. Schools, bars, restaurants and other public spaces have closed across the country. This virus is serious.  There are many ways you can protect not just yourself, but others as well, during this time. Here are four ways you can help combat the spread of this coronavirus.

  1. Wash your hands for 20 seconds frequently. Soap is better to use than just hand sanitizer, as it breaks down particles on your hands.
  2. Avoid touching your face as much as possible. It is only safe to touch your eyes, nose and mouth if you wash your hands before and after. This can prevent the virus from getting into the body.
  3. Cough and sneeze into a tissue or into your elbow. Coronaviruses, like COVID-19, can be spread via small particles that escape the body through coughs or sneezes. Covering these ensures that you don’t spread of catch the virus.
  4. Practice social distancing. Social distancing means to stay away from other people and social places as much as possible. COVID-19 has been found in asymptomatic people, meaning that anyone can carry the virus without displaying symptoms of it. Stay home when possible and if you have to go out, keep a distance of six feet when around others.

If everyone follows these guidelines, the consequences of COVID-19 will be far less severe than if we ignore it.

For more information regarding COVID-19, please read “What does COVID-19 look like?”

Source: BBC News