With more businesses using social media for promotion, many users are now able to create their own assumptions about what different media platforms will look like in the future.
According to thebalancesmb.com, social media is any digital tool that allows users to quickly create and share content with the public. For many businesses, platforms like Twitter and Instagram are tools used for promotion and getting out their message.
Senior Emily McGeorge, logs onto her social media platforms everyday for updates and more.
“Social media allows people to be creative, stay up to date on current news, and communicate with friends and mentors faster and easier than ever before,” McGeorge said.
Client Relationship Manager, Alyssa Jansen, is heavily involved in creating social media content and monitors responses to posts with the marketing team at TP Mechanical Contractors.
“I think users may end up having more control on the types of advertisements they want to see. There are already options for this on Facebook. If a very select group of users is viewing their content they will want to make sure the content is really geared to those users to make sure interest is not lost.
I see it more all of the time where users become brand reps and maybe get free products or pay for advertising for a company through their content. I would think this will continue to grow,” Jansen said.
From a business point of view, Mary Kay associate Carly Zinnecker agrees with Jansen that the future of social media will be in favor of businesses.
“Social media is already such a huge role in the social and professional lives of the majority of our population. I think it will be not only a way to connect with others, but an essential platform for professional development as well,” Zinnecker said.
Andrew Speicher, senior at Westerville South, has taken in what impact social media has on businesses and users.
“I’ve always thought from a young age that it was fun to take cool pictures and share them with friends. I think businesses will put a lot more effort toward their social media accounts, given that many people find credibility in social media over websites,” Speicher said.
Many people have an eye for how social media will look for them in the future. McGeorge is learning how social media is more than just entertainment ever since she became a student section leader at North.
“With so many options for virtual meetings, more jobs and interviews will be done virtually. Also, with being a student section leader we have been using social media as a platform to spread information and show school spirit,” McGeorge said.
Additionally, students like Spiecher, have seen how social media has changed over the years.
“More and more, companies like Tik Tok and Instagram are coming out with algorithms to show you what you’re interested in. Speaking in political terms especially, this leaves for a negative consequence, due to the fact that you’re only seeing your opinion on your feed,” Speicher said.
Since social media usage has increased exponentially the last few years, many have realized how it has affected their lives and others.
“People I haven’t heard from in years sometimes randomly reach out either through a message or a comment on something. As long as it is not unwanted contact, it’s nice to hear from people I would have never probably kept in touch with after high school or college. It’s incredible to think that my parents didn’t have that when they were my age,” Jansen said.
Many social media users have experienced change from social media, good and bad.
“20 years ago, you had to pay to call someone on the phone in another country. Now we can have as many friends from anywhere in the world as we would like. We can video chat, message and of course share as much content with everyone no matter where they are.
I think the sharing of ideas and knowledge will help people become more open to listening and understanding those who we may have seen in the past as different. It is extremely powerful,” Jansen said.