In the last five years, Westerville North High School (WNHS) has lost to Westerville South High School (WSHS) in Varsity football by a margin of more than one touchdown. On Oct. 14, 2016, WNHS lost by seven points and that is the closest they have been to beating them. The last time WNHS beat WSHS was in 2005. Westerville North has never Ruled the ‘Ville in football.

North has a chance to Rule the ‘Ville this year. They have already defeated Westerville Central High School (WCHS) 21-12 to start the season. All of this success is under first-year coach Stanley Jackson. When asked about all of this happening during his first year, Jackson responded. “Well, obviously it is big but I wouldn’t have chosen here if I didn’t believe that we had a chance,” Jackson said.
He has a chance to do something North has not done since 2005 and that is beat Westerville South. Something else they have never done is Rule the ‘Ville.
Over the summer, Jackson decided to bring in all Ohio State alumni to be coaches.
“It made sense to get guys in here that are good at what they do, who have a passion for it and want to teach kids about what they have done, but also to help guys that want to play college level as they have played at that level,” Jackson said.
All of these changes happened rapidly. Jackson discusses how the team has handled these changes.
“ The team has adapted very well to the new coaching staff,” Jackson said.
Jackson was also asked why he chose to go to North.
“The opportunity just presented itself, but also with kids having gone and going here I wanted to help out,” Jackson said.
At the moment, Westerville North is undefeated 4-0. If they stay undefeated going into the Westerville South game, then the magnitude of the game will be very big.
“It would be bigger if South was still undefeated, and we can’t look past Delaware as they are undefeated,” Jackson said.
The Delaware game will change the whole magnitude of the rival game. With the South game being another major rivalry, Jackson has a plan.
“No, the plan hasn’t changed, we just need to go in and play our game and be confident in our game,” Jackson said.
On Friday, Sept. 15, WNHS will take on Delaware (4-0) at Jim McCann Stadium.
“I just want us to be dominant. I want there to be no question as to who will Rule the ‘Vile,” Jackson said.