With an explosion of new clubs coming to Westerville North High School (WNHS) this year, there have also been clubs left behind. Students for Good Government is one in particular. James Brady, the AP Government and AP Comparative Government teacher at WNHS, is the advisor for Students for Good Government.
“Students for Good Government started four years ago, and the goal was to get kids from differing points of view to come in and discuss politics, government, and current issues and how they affect our lives,” Brady said.
In 2018 and 2019, Students for Good Government organized a voter registration drive that helped over 100 students register to vote in Ohio.
This school year Students for Good Government has not held any meetings. Brady believes COVID as well as lack of publicity on the announcements to be two of the main reasons for the club coming to a halt this year.
“[For Students for Good Government to return to Westerville North,] I think we need to do an announcement or several. And get a couple of determined students who want to make it run,” Brady said.
Environmental Club, previously known as Recycling Club, was once like Students for Good Government. Recycling Club had to stop because of COVID the previous advisor, Caitlin Maloy leaving North. This year it was brought back through the actions of Staci Tomblin (12) as a part of her Global Scholars action project. Students lead the club and shape its activities based on their goals for the future of the club.

“Originally our only focus was recycling, but then we were going to let students bring to us the stuff they wanted to do,” Tomblin said.
“In the month of February, we are bringing paper recycling into 15 classrooms,” Tomblin said.
This year’s goal for the Environmental Club is to bring recycling back into all of the classrooms.
“Come to Environmental Club on Thursdays in Mrs. Morckel’s room,” Tomblin said.
The Environmental Club is student-led and what students want to do in the club, the club will do. When Students for Good Government held meetings students were the ones who picked the topics being discussed. North hosts a wide variety of student-led clubs that can peak students’ interest.